Most ILCC interpreters are A+ /A / AB class certified interpreters (based on our internal criteria) and have 7 to 10+ years’ experience in the industry. Their extensive experience enables not only to accurately interpret content, but also to “interpret more than language itself” by fully sensing and understanding the atmosphere of the occasion, the intentions of the speaker, and questions from the audience.
Successful business in a foreign language requires an interpreter who is equipped with “Language Skills + Communication Skills + Specialized Knowledge.” Our basic stance at ILCC is that we don’t dispatch any interpreter who only excels in language skills. We always send you an interpreter or interpreters who have excellent business understanding in addition to their language skills. This includes being able to interpret specialized terms while making them easier for the audience to understand and being able to convey subtle emotions of the speaker to the audience.

Our Services
Types of Interpreting
- Conference interpreting (Seminars / Symposiums / International conferences, etc.)
- Business interpreting (Contract negotiations / Presentations / Competitions / Overseas business trips, etc.)
- Attend interpreting (Tourism / Plant tours / Business negotiations / Inspection tours / Interviews, etc.)
- Event interpreting (Press conferences / Interviews / Narration, etc.)
English, French, Korean, Chinese, Italian, German, Spanish, and other languages
Advertising / Electronics / Science / Energy / IT / Pharmaceutical / Medical / Finance / Management / Architecture / Food / Fishery / Export and Import / Legal affairs / Linguistics / Transportation / Amusement / Sports / Art and others
Rental of Simultaneous Interpreting Equipment
Interpreting equipment / Audio equipment / Recording equipment / Portable simultaneous interpreting equipment / Provision of technical staff
How to Use Our Services(Coordinator Support System)
The shortest way to your business success is to have our interpreter as a member of your company on the day of appointment.
Our Coordinator Support System enables us to make thorough preparations, including thorough discussions with the client to fully ascertain the purpose of the interpreting assignment and also prior collection of relevant materials.
In addition, our selection of the interpreters we provide is not schedule-dependent. We select the best interpreters for your needs based on targeted criteria, including specialized knowledge of the topics involved, the corporate culture and an understanding of the nature of the assignment (namely, an understanding of the target audience or your counterpart in negotiations etc.)

Please tell me the difference between consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting and “whispering” interpreting.

Types of interpreting
Interpreting is largely divided into two categories, namely, consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting. In addition, “whispering” interpreting is used on some occasions.
❶ Consecutive interpreting
Consecutive interpreting is an interpreting method in which the interpreter waits for the speaker to finish a certain length of statement (a paragraph, etc.) and then renders the speaker’s words into the other language. Generally speaking, it takes twice as long, but this method makes it possible for the interpreter to render the speaker’s words very accurately.
❷ Simultaneous interpreting
In simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter starts rendering the speaker’s words almost immediately from when the speaker starts speaking, or in some cases, with a slight delay after the speaker’s first statement. In this method, listening and interpreting tasks are performed simultaneously. Simultaneous interpreting requires specialized interpreting equipment such as microphones and receivers.
*ILCC also offers a service for the rental of simultaneous interpreting equipment, so please feel free to contact us at any time.
❸ “Whispering” interpreting
“Whispering” interpreting uses the same technique as simultaneous interpreting, in which the interpreter renders the speaker’s words almost simultaneously as the interpreter speaks (whispers) while sitting or standing beside those participants who need the interpreter’s help.

When does an order need to be placed?

As the schedules of highly experienced and skilled interpreters become booked up before other interpreters, we recommend you place your order as soon as you know that interpreting services will be needed. However, we are willing to accommodate any urgent request as far as possible, even if only 2 or 3 days before the event, so please feel free to contact us at any time.

What happens if we have to cancel our order?

5 to 3 business days before⇒30% of fee
2 business days before⇒50% of fee
One business day before or on the day⇒100% of fee
(Note that, as September, October and November are peak months, during this period, the following applies:
10 to 6 business days before⇒30% of fee
5 to 2 business days before⇒50% of fee
One business day before or on the day⇒100% of fee)

We need interpreting services overseas. Can you provide interpreters overseas?

Yes, we can. We can arrange interpreters in North America, Europe and Asia. Please contact us for more information.

I need several interpreters as we are going to have a rather large-scale seminar. In addition, we will need interpreters several days consecutively, but the number of hours requiring interpreting will be different on each day. In this case, what will happen with the interpreting fees?

We will make an estimate based on your detailed schedule, the content of interpreting services required, etc. Further, if you are required to meet a budget, we are always happy to make a possible proposal. Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.